Priya Jagannathan

Monthly Newsletter: Broaden Your Mind

Priya Jagannathan
Monthly Newsletter: Broaden Your Mind

2022 is here and we are all expecting great change in the situation, especially with respect to the pandemic. We have all got used to seeing people with masks and social distancing. Handshakes and hugs have become a thing of the past—who would have thought this would be the case, it seems like something out of the twilight zone! We have all come to accept this as the new normal. I would like to encourage you and ask you to dare to think that things will in fact improve. Yes, broaden your mind to the possibilities of a better future. It seems too good to be true, but it can happen, so keep your mind optimistic. Optimism is the secret ingredient to happiness this year. We all have it, we just have to get out from the blanket of doom and gloom and emerge into the light. This is my challenge to you this new year—if you cannot think of anything else, just do this and you will be sure to see a burst of joy enter your life. You won’t be disappointed.

This Month in the Kitchen we will discuss Beetroot in our Ingredient Spotlight. We will also elaborate why Vitamin D is important to our health in our Monthly Why section and finally, we will make Beetroot stir fry in our Recipe section. As always, I hope you keep your health and nutrition in the center of your focus and live long and strong!