Palak Tofu


  1. 1 box of organic firm tofu—cut into small cubes.

  2. 1 pound organic spinach—washed and drained

  3. 2 shallots, minced

  4. 2 green chilies, slit down the middle

  5. ½ teaspoon garam masala

  6. ½ teaspoon organic turmeric powder

  7. 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

  8. ¼ teaspoon organic cumin seeds

  9. ½ cup of nuts—a combination of Brazil nuts,cashews,and walnuts

  10. Salt to taste


  • In a large pan, add half the oil, half the shallots, one of the green chilies, ¼ teaspoon of the turmeric, and sauté until lightly browned.

  • Add the spinach and cover with the mixture; when slightly wilted, place a lid on the mixture to steam and take it off the heat—the spinach should still be bright green.

  • Pureé the mixture and set aside.

  • In a blender, grind the nuts to a cream consistency, adding water as needed, and set aside.

  • In a deep pan, add remaining oil, turmeric,green chilies, shallots, cumin seeds, and garam masala, and sauté until the shallots are lightly browned. Add the tofu cubes at this stage and sauté with the spices, adding salt to taste.

  • Add the nut cream to the tofu and bring to a boil for about 5 minutes; at this point, take it off the stove and allow it to reach room temperature.

  • Gently fold in the spinach with the tofu and nut cream.

  • Serve with roti, pita, rice, or quinoa!

This recipe is a favorite among all my family members, as the dish is creamy and satisfying without the added unhealthy fat in traditional Palak Panner. The Tofu adds texture and soaks in the nut cream and spices to yield a very exotic flavor. Your body responds to the food you eat—give it the fuel it needs! As always, I encourage you to keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!