January 2020 Newsletter : A New Decade to look ahead to!

January 2020 Newsletter : A New Decade to look ahead to!

Life is full of different bends and turns, and a constantly evolving perspective with respect to priorities and goals.

2020 is a new decade that lies ahead for us to live and learn. Life is constantly throwing us waves of change that help propel us towards the dreams and in some respects take us back several knots. We need to fight and conquer these waves to get to our victory and in some cases ride the wave that moves us forward. Adaptability or the lack of it will define success or failure ! The choice is in your hands. You can either be a victim of your situation or be the victor who conquered it, you need to choose this decade. Nobody can stop your progress but yourself. You are your biggest enemy or biggest winner, it's all in your attitude, so choose well.

This month in the kitchen we will discuss Cayenne in our ingredient section and in our Monthly Why section we will talk about why we avoid Trans fat as well as the role they play in common foods we eat. In our recipes, we will make Curry Quinoa with Baby Asparagus and Aubergine. As always, I wish you eat wisely, make health a priority, and live long and strong!