Scrumptious Paprika and Lemon-Chili Shrimp

Scrumptious Paprika and Lemon-Chili Shrimp


1. 2 onions cut into thin slices

2. 1 head of peeled garlic

3. 3 dried red chillies

4. 1 teaspoon of tamarind paste

5. 1 teaspoon of Chana dal

6. 1 cup of shredded coconut

7. 2 teaspoons of organic paprika (unsmoked)

8. 2 teaspoon of Kashmiri chillIe powder

9. 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of sesame oil

10. 1 pound of peeled deveined shrimp

11. 1 cup of chopped fresh cilantro

12. 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice


Heat 1/2 tbsp of oil in a nonstick pan and add chana dal, 1 sliced onion, dried red chili , peeled garlic and tamarind until onions are softened. Grind into a smooth paste and set aside.

In a deep nonstick pan heat the remaining oil and add remaining onions, chili, and paprika powder, and add and sauté the shrimp with onions. After allowing to cook for 5 minutes, add the shredded coconut to the mixture.

After sautéing the mixture until shrimp is translucent, add the ground mixture and lemon juice and cook for an additional 5-10 minutes until the shrimp is fully cooked.

Serve alongside steamed white or brown rice, roti , polenta or quinoa.

Paprika and Lemon-Chili Shrimp has a delightful spicy and tangy flavor that will wake up your taste buds any day! It is a perfect dish loaded with protein and filled with aroma. As always, make health your priority, choose your food wisely, and live long and strong!