Priya Jagannathan

June Newsletter: The Great Reopening!

Priya Jagannathan
June Newsletter: The Great Reopening!

Dear Readers, with the months fast approaching we see things slowly returning to normal from the months of the Pandemic. It was a hard and sobering path for many, with many lessons learned. We all want to learn and grow, but we have not grasped the realization that change and growth can be very painful. Even when a child is promoted from one grade to the next, there is preparation, endurance, and testing. This time of the Pandemic has put us through testing and endurance that has been difficult to go through, yet there is hope amid this trial! Yes, it is hard to believe, but there is light at the end of this long tunnel that we have walked through!

There have been many lessons learned, the main lesson I have learned is to show tolerance and courtesy to our fellow humans in any way or form. Fear can do strange things to very nice people, bringing out the worst in their expression, but if we learn to put ourselves in their shoes for a moment maybe we will understand and walk away without emotional turmoil and unforgiveness! Yes, this is the key, to practice tempering our emotions and have courtesy and love more than hatred. What would happen if every one of us practiced this in the office, the parking lot, the highway, the shopping mall, the doctor’s office, and other places? You know what will happen? The world would be transformed!

I would encourage you this month to judge less, criticize less, and show more courtesy and compassion. It takes practice, it's not something you develop overnight, but something you do day in and day out and something you choose to do. Will you make that choice?

This Month in the Kitchen we will showcase Kumquats in our Ingredient Spotlight and show you my version of soaked oats in my recipe section. We will also discuss why the lack of physical activity can affect one’s life span in our Monthly Why. As always, keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!