October Newsletter: The Seesaw Effect!

October Newsletter: The Seesaw Effect!

Sometimes days can have a seesaw effect on us, from ups to downs. This can cause emotional imbalance and corresponding effects on our behavior towards others and in turn have an adverse effect on the people we hold dear to our heart. These are the mundane everyday battles that we face day by day, challenges to our emotions that are always trying to stir up some emotional reaction that is less than favorable.

What is the answer to this? I believe the key is in tempering our response with each passing day, a little at a time. This will make things slowly change over time. It is not overnight but will manifest in noticeable change over several weeks. So, the next time you feel tempted to give someone a piece of your un-tempered emotion, hold back that urge and as you keep doing this, the urge will become less and less difficult to resist. Let us through perseverance try to bridle the toxic reactions into a more acceptable response! 

This Month in the Kitchen we will discuss Mint in our Ingredient Spotlight. We will also talk about Why Diet Can Help Prevent Cancer in our Monthly Why Section. In our Recipe section we will make the Classic Masala Omelette. As always, keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!