

  • 4 cups of milk reduced to 2 cups and sweetened with maple syrup

  • 1/4 cup of Rose water

  • 1 tablespoon of organic ground beetroot powder

  • 3 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey

  • Pistachios—peeled and chopped into slivers

  • 1 cup of Rice vermicelli—cooked in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drained 

  • Raspberry flavored gelatin (made per directions on the box)

  • Cherry or Raspberry Ice Cream 

  • 2 tablespoons of Sweet Basil seeds—soaked in 2 cups of water

  • Glass serving cups 


Rose Syrup and gelatin -

  • Heat the Rose water along with 1 cup of water and add beetroot powder and 3 tablespoons of the maple syrup (or honey) and allow to thicken to a syrup consistency. Set aside to cool.

  • Cut the set raspberry gelatin into small cubes and set aside.


  1. In a serving cup place 1 teaspoon of soaked basil seeds at the bottom of the glass.

  2. Add a tablespoon of the vermicelli noodles on top of the basil seeds.

  3. Place about 2 teaspoons of gelatin cubes on top of the vermicelli noodles.

  4. Spoon 1 teaspoon of the rose syrup on top of the gelatin cubes.

  5. At this point, top with a scoop of raspberry ice cream.

  6. Pour ¼ cup of sweetened thickened milk on top of the ice cream.

  7. Spoon another teaspoon of the rose syrup on top of this mixture.

  8. Finally, garnish the dessert with Pistachios and serve.

This is a classic Persian/Indian dessert that is so refreshing and satisfying with the many textures and aromas of Rose. Note that we have not used any artificial colors but have used the beetroot to enhance the rich colors of rose. Try to use as many organic ingredients as possible. My family enjoys indulging in this dessert any day of the year. As always, I would encourage you to be mindful of your food choices and strive to live long and strong!