May 2020 Newsletter : Hope—our Beacon of light!

May 2020 Newsletter : Hope—our Beacon of light!

Several things have transpired which have changed the very landscape of our thinking and believing; who would have thought that an invisible agent could wreak such havoc, hopelessness, and loss?—yes, I’m talking about COVID-19. It may have changed many things, but it cannot break our Spirits, unless we let it.

Let us rekindle the Hope that has kept us afloat during the most crucial times of our lives. This Hope will kindle a fire that cannot be extinguished by this virus or any others like it.

The battlefield is not just out there, it is in your mind; win the one in your mind with the rekindling of hope, faith, and love, and the battle raging outside will be easy to overcome!

Yes, I’m calling on one and all to be beacons of hope and determination, and to spread that hope to one and all until the fire rages on to burn all fear, doubt, and misunderstanding. This is a time of new beginnings, so let us start afresh!

This month in the kitchen we will discuss why nutrition plays a key role in our overall well-being and we will make a healthy version of Karaikudi style Chicken masala in a manner that preserves taste and nutrition. Lastly, we will discuss Asparagus in our Ingredient Spotlight. As always, I wish that you stay hopeful, choose wisely, and live long and strong!