Priya Jagannathan

December Newsletter: Fortitude—Your Saving Grace

Priya Jagannathan
December Newsletter: Fortitude—Your Saving Grace

The time of holiday cheer is here again! Seems like déjà vu. However, this time, this season seems very different to me, a new perspective can give you a new outlook to life. I seem to hone in on the word fortitude. What is fortitude, and do you have it? I perceived that this trait is learned over the years and is built up through perseverance and strength of character. Yet this trait is what can bring you out as a winner in every situation, big and small. Make sure you look this trait up and ensure that you have this is your character repertoire—this is what will reward you with saving Grace and make sure you come out of the Valley of the Shadow of Death intact to face the destiny your Creator has in store for you. Remember that it is a valley you walk through, and don't dwell in, and surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life—not just in heaven, but right here on earth.

This Month in the Kitchen we will make Kesari in our recipe section, and we will discuss about mushrooms in our Ingredient Spotlight. We will also elaborate about the value of words and thoughts in our Monthly Why section. As always, keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!