August Newsletter: Where do we go from here?

August Newsletter: Where do we go from here?

In this new month of August, let us try with great intensity to do what is right and not just what feels good. Something that feels good and something that is right are two different things. Everything is doable but not everything permissible in society. Society is a mix of individuals from different ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, educational backgrounds, religions, and beliefs coexisting together. We do this by abiding in mutual respect and courtesy. We do not see that nowadays, instead we see people spouting out hatred in words and actions. This sort of behavior needs to stop, and we must work together and build ourselves up—unity brings diversity of thought and opinion and gives us the ability to stand strong in hurricane winds. I would urge everyone to strive to lift ourselves up in our thoughts and actions and let us meditate on what unifies and not on what separates.

This Month in the Kitchen we will discuss the scientific properties behind tomatoes, and we will also prepare Keema (ground meat) with edamame in our recipe section. We will discuss why it is difficult to keep the weight off after weight loss in our Monthly Why section. As always, I wish that you stay healthy in your thoughts, actions, and in your body, and live long and strong!