Priya Jagannathan

November Newsletter: Season of Thanksgiving

Priya Jagannathan
November Newsletter: Season of Thanksgiving

There is anticipation in the air with the upcoming holiday season. People are looking forward to connecting with loved ones and sharing the gifts of life. It has been a hard season, but we always have something to be thankful for amidst all the uncertainty, and this why we gather to says thanks for loved ones and times of unity and celebration.

Let us challenge ourselves to find the good things in our lives and celebrate them the best we can. It is very easy to stay focused on the bad—this is the flaw of human nature, but if we can learn to cherish the good more than the bad, we can make those difficult times more manageable.

Remember, we can grow in character and integrity exponentially when challenged in times of difficulty—this is truly the time for promotions in emotions, maturity, relationships, careers, parenting, etc. So let us look closely with a different perspective and see if we can turn the difficult times into a time of personal growth. Let us hope and persevere to come through victoriously.

This Month In The Kitchen we will discuss Carrots in our Ingredient Spotlight. We will make Roasted Spiced Turkey in our recipe section for Thanksgiving. We will also discuss why water is so beneficial to your health in our Monthly Why section. As always, I would like you to keep an emphasis on your health and nutrition and live long and strong.