May Newsletter: Sowing, Waiting, and Reaping the Harvest

May Newsletter: Sowing, Waiting, and Reaping the Harvest

The warm weather and cool breeze of the upcoming season has brought back a sense of relaxation and ease into our busy lives. With the arrival of spring, we are planting in our gardens and anticipating the harvest. I believe this also signals planting in our lives as we look forward to a harvest of blessings.

Life is akin to the many seasons and phases of planting, waiting, and harvesting. I don't know which phase you are in but stay diligent and keep doing the right thing and you will reap your harvest. We sometimes have seasons that are like a harsh winter, but if you delve into the science of it—you realize that this is the time when the inward parts of trees are rejuvenating and growing, though the outward looks barren. Don't be discouraged by the outward barrenness that you sometimes see in your life, stay faithful and you will reap what you sow.

If you sow corruption, you will reap corruption in some way or form, but if you sow perseverance, kindness, love, and virtue, you will reap it. Keep your heart focused on what you sow into your life, for the harvest you receive is based on the seed you sow.

This Month in the Kitchen we will talk about Cacao in our Ingredient Section and in our Monthly Why, we will discuss why the Circadian rhythm is so important for your day-to-day well-being. We will also make Chili and Garlic Tofu in our Recipe section. As always, keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!