Priya Jagannathan

Why relationships can positively or negatively impact your life?

Priya Jagannathan
Why relationships can positively or negatively impact your life?

Relationships are everything in this Life. Material things can only help to a certain extent, without meaningful relationships everything seems to be in vain. We are social beings and need these meaningful relationships to keep us focused and happy in our existence. These can range from Parents, siblings, friendships, spouses, and businesses, etc. Each and every relationship listed here has no meaning without a mutual respect for others’ feelings. We all need acceptance, encouragement, and support. Without that you end up drained and disillusioned.

  • Commitment: Many people are not ready to make commitments in relationships and hope they will magically evolve into something worthwhile. Commitment is your foundation stone for any relationship, with its absence there is no use progressing further. Nobody likes to be used and there are no exceptions—if they don’t show their discontent, they are probably covering it up. When a person is in a relationship where the other person has not committed, it represents a lack of value and respect for oneself. We must value ourselves more.

  • Trust: This is another important pillar to hold any relationship up. Without it you are shooting in the dark. The litmus test of trust will settle the truth about any relationship and it is essential.

  • Mutual respect: We all crave respect, and this is understandable. Even the youngest of children throw tantrums when they feel ignored. If you cannot respect the person, that means there is no value for the person. We must value each other more than material possessions. We must value individuals’ time, energy, and support.

  • Support: Another litmus test for a healthy relationship is support. Is this person there to help you out and support you, or are you the only person lending the support? Relationships need deposits of commitment, trust, respect, and support, without these things the other party goes bankrupt sooner or later.

  • Communication: This is vital as it clears misconceptions and reinforces trust and love. Lack of communication can be a missed opportunity when you realize that a relationship has broken down and you don’t have a clue why it happened! We need to build one another up with our words and actions.

I believe love and affection mirror the above qualities and will cause a relationship to thrive and grow. Science points to the emotional and physical benefits of good relationships. Relationships can be detrimental without the mentioned qualities. Abuse of any form is a death blow to any relationship. Coercing and Manipulation are other lethal blows to relationships that will slowly erode them away over time.

There are many unhappy people who have been the subject of harmful relationships. It is time to restart our life with a fresh perspective as our life matters! Another person cannot define who we are no matter how severe the abuse, words, or actions were. We are who we choose to be. Having said that, I pray you value and respect each other, and live long and strong!