October Newsletter : Life presents with opportunities!

October Newsletter : Life presents with opportunities!

Slowly but surely we are moving into the holiday season. It’s amazing that time does not stand still for any man or woman—that is also the story of our lives. There are seasons of growth and improvement and seasons of enormous opportunity. There are also hard seasons that we never understand. Whatever the season may be in your life, there is always an opportunity to grow in maturity, wisdom, and understanding.

Failure can be a time of learning and a pathway to victory. You have an opportunity to perceive it as such! What will you choose? Will it be life and possibility or failure and decay? There are many wonderful opportunities, but there are also many hindrances to success. Will you stay in long enough to succeed or will you give in to defeat?

This difference in choice will make you a victor or a victim in life. I will encourage you to choose life and positive change and make an impact on the world we live in.

This month in the kitchen we will discuss about garlic in our ingredient section. We will also discuss about the effects of elevated blood sugar on your body as a whole. In our recipe section we will make an Indian-inspired blackened Tilapia with a spicy tamarind chili drizzle. As always, I wish that you eat to nourish your body, mind, and soul, and live long and strong!