Homemade Naan

Homemade Naan

This Naan has neither egg nor butter, it’s ideal for people who are looking for a vegetarian, low fat version of the traditional recipe and can be paired with Keema, sauces, lentils and a variety of accompaniments.


2 cups all purpose flour

2 teaspoons honey

1 1/2 teaspoon instant dry yeast or rapid-rise yeast 

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons plain yogurt

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

To brush over Naan: Garlic oil

1.Mince one half head garlic and heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil on pan and when oil heats gently add garlic and 1 half teaspoon garlic salt

2.Heat gently without burning to extract garlic flavor and set aside with a silicone brush in hand.


1.In a large bowl mix together flour, salt and set aside

2.In large bowl add  1 &1/2 cup warm water, add yeast and honey and mix allow to stand for 10-15 minutes;this will activate the yeast

3.Add yogurt to this mixture and work the flour in, if mixture seems sticky, gradually add oil and sprinkle flour in gently and fold till the dough comes together

4.Preheat oven 350 degrees and turn off after 5 minutes

5.The oven should be warm and not hot but gentle enough temperature for you to place dough in  with plastic wrap over it , and wet towel to protect it.

6.Allow dough to rise 1 1/2 hours 

7.Now roll dough out unto surface and knead gently, adding small pinches of flour to prevent from sticking to surface

8.Divide into 10 equal portions. 

9.Heat a non-stick pan gently over moderate heat.

10.Rub surface of pan with teaspoon of olive oil or nonstick cooking spray

11.Roll the divided pieces into oval oblong shapes , basically into Naan shapes ensuring even thickness of dough of at least  1/4 inch thickness

12.When the pan is heated without causing it to smoke place Naan on surface; allow to cook till you see small bubbles form on surface without allowing to burn.

13.Flip and cook on other side; should not be more that 30 to 60 seconds on each side otherwise your pan may not be adequately heated through or Naan is too thick.

14.Set aside each Naan on serving platter and brush with garlic flavored olive oil.

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