Priya Jagannathan


Priya Jagannathan


The Pancake:

  1. 1 cup of carrots cut into matchsticks

  2. 1 cup of sliced mushrooms

  3. 1 cup of sliced scallions

  4. ½ cup of shredded kale

  5. 1 green chili minced

  6. ½ cup of gluten-free flour

  7. 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil

  8. Salt to taste

The dipping sauce:

  1. 2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce

  2. 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar

  3. ½ teaspoons dried red pepper flakes

  4. 1 teaspoon agave

  5. 1 teaspoon black toasted sesame seeds


  • Combine all the vegetables in a bowl and add the gluten-free flour, salt, and salt and ¼ cup of water to bring all the ingredients together.

  • Heat the oil on a nonstick flat griddle, add the vegetables, and press down into a pancake shape.

  • Allow to crisp on both sides and until vegetables are crispy and pancake is cooked.

  • In another bowl, combine all the ingredients for the dipping sauce and garnish with 1 teaspoon of toasted sesame seeds.

  • Serve the pancake with the dipping sauce and enjoy!

This dish packs a punch and gives you a good dose of vegetables that are loaded with phytonutrients and antioxidants. If you have any fussy veggie eaters, this dish will cure them! As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!