Why should we monitor Hypertension?

Why should we monitor Hypertension?

Hypertension is divided into two categories: Primary and Secondary Hypertension.

Hypertension is prevalent throughout the world and is influenced by the various factors like :

  • Age, ethnicity, dietary habits (sodium & alcohol intake), medications, genetic factors, diseases, and a sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise).

Why are we concerned about Hypertension?

This is because we are concerned about end-organ damage: HTN can cause structural transformations in the tissue of blood vessels/organs and in turn affect the perfusion, or blood flow, to vital organs. It can also precipitate heart attacks, strokes (ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes), kidney abnormalities, structural changes in the heart (e.g. Left ventricular hypertrophy), etc.

Can medications contribute to Hypertension?

Yes, medications can aggravate HTN, and some of them are : Decongestants, Pain killers like ibuprofen (other NSAID’s—non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs—when used above recommended doses), Stimulants used in treatment of ADHD, Steroids, Weight-loss medications, some Cancer drugs, some psychiatric medications, can worsen Hypertension.

Can we do something about Hypertension?

Apart from consulting with your physician, the most important things a patient can do includes :

Stress-management, sleep hygiene, restriction of caffeine/energy drinks, salt restriction/ avoidance of processed foods, avoidance of alcohol intake, smoking cessation, increased consumption of fresh vegetables, adequate exercise with your physicians guidance, weight management, and also screening for obstructive sleep apnea.

Hypertension can be controlled with lifestyle modifications along with medications prescribed by your physician. As always, I hope you stay well informed about your health, and live long and strong!