Cardamom flavored Coconut Milk Flan

Cardamom flavored Coconut Milk Flan


  • 8 oz coconut milk

  • 8 oz evaporated milk

  • 4 oz whole milk

  • 3 cardamom pods

  • ¼ cup sugar for caramel

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • ¼ cup sugar for the custard

  • 3 whole eggs whisked thoroughly

  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla

  • Large bowl to mold the flan


  • Heat the different milks together with the cardamom pods and ¼ cup of sugar until the milk is completely infused with the sugar and cardamom.

  • At this point you can remove the cardamon pods. Continue to steam milk after adding 2 tsp of vanilla and then turn off the heat.

  • At this point start tempering the whisked eggs with the steamed milk. Take care in this process as you may end up with scrambled eggs.

  • Make caramel with the ¼ cup of sugar, honey, and about ¼ cup of water.

  • When the caramel is ready, coat the bottom of the bowl for the flan with the caramel.

  • After the caramel is set pour the tempered mixture of milk and eggs into this bowl.

  • The oven should be preheated to 365º F.

  • Also, boil water and pour into a larger bowl

  • Place the bowl with the custard mixture into the bowl with hot water.

  • Cover with foil and place into the oven for 45-60 minutes.

  • Check at 30 min if the custard has set and continue to cook until set

  • After the custard has cooled to room temperature place in refrigerator for 4 hours.

  • Un-mold onto a platter after loosening the custard with a knife from the edges of the bowl.

This dish is extremely flavorful and creamy. The fragrant aroma of the cardamom elevates the coconut and vanilla aftertones. This is a family favorite and something everyone can enjoy as a treat without guilt. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!