Why is Balance important ?

Why is Balance important ?

We are a three part being: Mind, Body and Spirit. We must nourish all three to promote balance. Balance is everything. 

This week, take steps to quiet the many voices surrounding you. Take time away from cell phones, computers, TV, Video games and other people for at least 30 minutes.

 Use the time to reflect on things that you are thankful about. Write them down and add to the list as more things come to mind. Meditate on these things and encourage yourself (we do not always need to be encouraged by someone else).

 Recognize your own good actions and give yourself a mental pat on the back for them. Say “good job” to yourself! (If you don’t love yourself, who will?) Then pay your good feelings forward. Make a choice to say a kind word to someone; maybe even someone you don’t like: an irritating co-worker or a rude person at the grocery store. Someone whom you think, does not deserve your kind word. You reap what you sow. Start sowing kindness and it will come back as a harvest to you.