Why should we incorporate resistance training into our routine?

Why should we incorporate resistance training into our routine?

We all talk about different modes of exercise. Exercise is broadly classified into Aerobic exercise, which has documented cardiovascular benefits and Resistance training. Resistance training is also an essential routine that benefits our balance and strength. It has added benefits secondary to its long-term effects on muscle health and metabolism. In this section we are going to talk in detail about resistance training and some of the documented scientific benefits.

  • Inactivity and its harmful side effects: When an individual is inactive, this person experiences muscle mass loss and a decrease in resting metabolic rate, this results in more fat accumulation.

  • Resistance training effects on Muscle and BMR: Resistance training under the supervision and advice of your healthcare professional or trainer can improve muscle health, by increasing lean muscle mass, increasing the resting metabolic rate, and decreasing fat in the body.

  • Benefits in Diabetes: Resistance training decreases the visceral fat accumulation, may decrease the hemoglobinA1c, and improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

  • Cardiovascular and Cholesterol effects: Resistance training can decrease resting blood pressure, decrease levels of triglycerides and LDL, and may increase the beneficial HDL or good cholesterol.

  • Benefits in the older and wiser age groups: Resistance training helps improve muscle strength and balance, promotes bone development, increases bone mineral densities, eases discomfort from arthritis and fibromyalgia, slows down muscle aging, decreases lower back pain, and increases muscle mass. Research shows an improvement in the “Health Related Quality of Life” measure (HRQOL) secondary to resistance training.

In the above discussion, I have outlined the benefits of resistance training. I stress the need to consult with your healthcare provider and physical therapist or trainer before engaging in such a routine to ensure that you don't harm yourself by undertaking improper techniques. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!