August Newsletter: Get a new perspective!

 August Newsletter: Get a new perspective!

Perspective has been long dismissed as an insignificant factor in our success in life, but I have realized that perspective is everything. From the smallest to the most serious things in life, perspective can shape our response in every sort of situation. Have you realized that the way you react is always linked to the outcome, good or bad?

We can have two different people from two different backgrounds facing the same situation from two very different points of views. One reaction can spell disaster, but the other can spell total vindication and success. This is the reason why perspective is everything to your success or failure.

People say one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. Well, this has to do with your perspective all the way. This perspective can range from material objects, finances, careers, relationships, etc. This perspective can be shaped by your upbringing, your faith, and the people who strongly influenced you through your life. If perspective can shape success and failure, you must understand how important it is to your progress in life.

Maybe today is the day to examine what perspective you have and take a logical, objective look at the scenarios in your life. You may need to change your outlook into one that fashions success rather than failure!

This Month in the Kitchen we will discuss why cancer screening can be life-saving. We will also prepare Chicken Curry in a pressure cooker in our recipe section. Lastly, we will investigate mustard in our Ingredient Spotlight. As always, keep your health in center focus, try to keep your perspective on the positive side, and live long and strong!