Brazil Nut-Bertholletia excelsa

This Tree nut is native to the Amazonian forest and is rich in nutrients. This elusive nut which is harvested mainly by the natives in this region is encased in a hard dense shell that in turn encloses several nuts that are also encased in hard shells. In this section we will discuss the nutritional profile and properties of this nut.

Nutritional Profile and Properties:

  • Brazil nuts are rich in Selenium and can be considered a selenium supplement. They are also rich in nutrients like magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc.

  • Selenium is involved in a wide variety of biological functions. Selenium’s effects are mediated by the expression of Seleno-proteins that play a role in the anti-oxidant defense of the body. As Brazil nuts are especially high in their selenium content, we must take care to limit our consumption to 1-2 nuts per day.

  • The Seleno-proteins may play a role in decreasing inflammation, and the inhibition of platelet aggregation(a precursor to Heart attacks and Strokes).

  • There has been a positive association between selenium levels and low atherogenic index—which is an indicator of heart attacks.

  • Some investigation studies have revealed an inverse association with selenium levels and incidence of coronary artery disease.

  • Brazil nuts have also been found to be favorable in modulating lipid profiles and in turn contributing to cardiovascular health. This may be due to their MUFA and PUFA content( Mono-unsaturated Fatty acids/Poly-unsaturated fatty acids).

  • This nut is also rich in protein, fiber, and vitamins like thiamine, niacin, and vitamin E. Brazil nuts in addition to their PUFA and MUFA content also are rich in saturated fatty acids. The MUFA and SFA may play a role in increasing the HDL cholesterol when consumed in the diet.

As discussed, we see that this Tree nut has a lot to offer, however we must keep in mind the exuberant selenium levels and therefore eat not more that 1-2 nuts per day. As always, keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!